Sometimes; or a lot of times, depending on a person and their circumstances, in addition to their state of mind and level of awareness… it’s not always easy to see the negative patterns in your life.
If you acknowledge them and ignore them, or if you don’t even see them at all, it doesn’t matter. The situation will keep presenting itself. The more you ignore it, the stronger the message gets.
Pay attention to what’s not serving you for your greater good. Awareness is gold. Invest in gaining it by checking in with yourself when you’re not feeling up to par. If you’re in a situation where you can fix it, fix it. Realize and problem-solve. Feel good. Any amount of change is not always easy. Sometimes it is.
By Stacey Gates
Inspired by life experience and a tough decision.
* Tip: Any ideas, insights, or realizations that pop into your mind, record them. If you don’t like to write particularly, talk-text or record with a voice memo. I talk-texted this in about a minute. Strike while the iron is hot. Thoughts and ideas can disappear as fast as shooting stars.